When we talk about oral hygiene, we find that Covid 19, fluoride, and flossing have prevention of diseases as their common aim.
Your oral health is directly related to your overall health. Best dental services have taken all the required precautions all through the covid-19 pandemic and to ensure you are safe and healthy. Along with many safety precautions that we all are supposed to follow during Covid 19 like wearing masks, social distancing, and proper sanitization another addition to this safety measure is the inclusion of vaccination.
As different covid 19 vaccines are being made available to the public at large, many people have certain concerns about getting vaccinated. So, below are the answers to some of the many common concerns regarding them.
Safety and effectiveness of the vaccines
It is very important to give authentic and scientific information to patients while recommending treatments. Although these vaccines were created in urgency, they are made keeping the scientific guidelines and thorough research. They were tested extensively to ensure their safety and reliability for patients. These medicines were authorized to be effective and safe for people after the FDA had reviewed the data from the tests.
Even now, the CDC is monitoring vaccination by various safety monitoring systems for you.
Vaccination Side Effects
Covid 19 vaccinations might have certain side effects that might bring you some discomfort for a short while, but getting covid 19 vaccination will in no way infect you with the virus. These vaccines have been designed to help your body battle against the covid 19 infections. According to experts at a dental care Greenspoint, there may be a possibility of having some fever or body ache as a side effect and this feeling of unpleasantness is a sign that the vaccine has been accepted by your body.
Get vaccinated
It is important for everyone to get vaccinated to help their body fight against the deadly Covid 19 virus. Even if you have been a victim of this virus, it is absolutely necessary for you to get vaccinated as natural immunity is not long-lasting.
Union dental office suggests that it is important to get all the doses recommended to you. If it is two doses, please get the doze in the prescribed duration and make sure to complete the dose for maximum protection. If the vaccination you are going for is Pfizer, make sure you get the second dose after three weeks and if it is Moderna vaccine, the second dose should be taken after four weeks from the first.
Eligibility criteria
Anyone above the age of 12 is eligible to get vaccinated!
For all adolescents from age 12-17, the recommended vaccine is Pfizer and anyone above 18 can get any available vaccines.
Wear a mask
Getting yourself vaccinated will help you in enjoying most of the activities of the pre-pandemic times. Although the rules for wearing a mask have been relaxed, there are still some places where it is advisable to keep your mask on like hospitals and health care centers, the best dental clinic in Houston, while using public transport, airports, bus stands, and railway stations, places with large gatherings.
These places also include any places mentioned by the federal government.
Vaccination and Pregnancy
Getting yourself vaccinated will not affect pregnancy in any way. If you are planning to have a baby any time soon or after a few years, it is recommended that you get yourself vaccinated.
You don’t have anything to worry about.
Along with the above crucial information concerning Covid 19 and the vaccination criteria, it is also important to understand that vaccinations do not have any effects on your oral health. Dentists highly recommend proper oral hygiene and visits to your dentist at a dental care.
For any further queries concerning Covid 19 vaccination and oral health please consult your dentist at the earliest. They will guide you towards better healthcare.