Most Frequently Asked Questions Related to Dental Emergencies

Accidents and injuries are a part of life and there’s no denying that it could turn fatal if it leads to tooth damage. This way it is important to understand the cost of saving or losing a tooth. The best dentist in Houston TX believes that although dental emergencies should be reported to the clinic at once, you should be prepared with first aid or home care remedies to prevent the situation from getting worse.

Please keep in mind that most dentists reserve their emergencies at different hours depending upon their respective schedules. This means you need to contact your dentist 77060 and explain your situation before heading to the clinic. Or else, you could visit your local emergency room.

This is why it is important to stay prepared and be equipped to deal with dental emergencies at home.

Dental Emergencies At Home:

  • What if my child knocks out their tooth?

First things first, do not panic. Make sure that your kid is not losing a lot of blood. It would be best to keep the broken tooth moist (in case it’s a baby tooth) and visit the best dental clinic in Houston. This way your dentist can assess whether the entire tooth got knocked out or a small part of it. In case of a chipped, cracked tooth they could possibly work on a dental implant.


  • How to remove tiny particles stuck in my teeth or mouth?

The best way to gently remove stuck objects would be to floss but make sure to not remove them using a pointed or sharp instrument. Even the tiniest bit of force can lead to a rupture leading to infection in the gums. The best decision, in this case, would be to wait and get the particle removed from an expert at union dental care.

  • What if I crack my tooth?

Firstly, confirm whether it’s a cracked ooth or a completely knocked out tooth. If it’s cracked, rinse your mouth with warm water immediately to clean the area. Later, treat the swelling by putting a cold compress on your face. Again, keep the tooth moist at all times if it’s a knocked-out tooth. In this case, you could try placing the adult tooth back in the socket. It would be best to place it between your gums and cheek so that it does not touch the root.


  • How to treat a toothache immediately?

Toothaches could be because of several reasons. This is why you must focus on reducing the intensity of the pain rather than “treating it” until you see your dentist. Start with rinsing your mouth with warm water. Follow it with flossing to remove tiny food particles or debris. Make sure to never treat your aching tooth or gums by putting aspirin in your mouth or else, it will get worse.

  • How can I avoid dental emergencies?

You can avoid a dental emergency by following some precautions-

  • Never tear open packages with your teeth. Always use scissors.
  • As pleasurable as it seems, avoid eating ice cubes, popcorn kernels, frozen hard candies, etc. This could lead to cracked, chipped teeth.
  • If you participate in recreational activities or sports then make sure to always wear a mouthguard before indulging.
  • How to treat my lip or tongue if I accidentally bit them?

Apply a cold compress immediately and make sure to clean the area gently so that there is no risk of infections. If you notice excessive bleeding, it’s your cue to visit your Houston dentist.

Dental Injuries, severe or minor, must be treated immediately, or else they turn into dental emergencies. Visit the best dental offices in Houston before the situation starts to worsen.

Welcome to A Dental Care where we help you to smile with confidence. Our Dental Team of dental experts with some of the best Houston dentists in Texas provide 360 degree dental care for all your oral health issues. Our five family practices are one-stop-shop locations because we provide comprehensive dental care at each of them, from wisdom teeth removal to dental implants to Invisalign® braces.
Dr. Firoz Lalani
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Firoz Lalani
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