According to the CDC, almost 91% ranging from the ages of 20 and 64 suffer from cavities at some point in their lives. The number and probability only rise with age. Flossing is the best way to clean your teeth and especially in between them. It requires winding a strip of thin string around your finger and moving it upward-downward motion between your teeth and just below the gums to clear the bacteria and plaque that cause gum diseases.
Flossing also isn’t simple and demands a high degree of skill to extract plaque successfully. It is not comparable to other products, despite the common opinion. If you’re having a rough time flossing, it’s best to choose the one you prefer as it’s simpler to use. Tools found to work and dental floss to eliminate plaque and prevent inflammation and gingivitis are inter-dental brush, Water Flossier, and toothpicks.
You can expect dentures and dental bills if you do not floss your teeth daily. Experts cannot stress its significance enough. People realize they’re meant to do so, but around 90% don’t floss every day. What your regular cleaning doesn’t achieve, flossing does. It extracts the food debris and the residue that eludes your toothbrush because the tiny particles always lie behind and under your teeth. Experts consider it much more essential to avoid dental problems like tooth decay and periodontitis than brushing.
According to dental statistics, 4 in 10 Americans floss once a day. Almost 20% of Americans do not consider flossing their teeth at all. Flossing is essential for oral hygiene and health.
Let’s take a look at the importance of flossing.
Types of Floss
There are many varieties of dental floss. The type of floss you choose is based entirely on the gap between your teeth, whether you have bridges and braces, and your preferences. Dental floss also comes in different sizes and according to various utilities.
Standard floss
This is your everyday, regular, nylon, thin string that can go in between your teeth. They come in varieties including waxed, un-waxed, unflavored, and flavored. Waxed dental floss can be used if you have closely positioned or crowded teeth; this makes it convenient and comfortable for the user to fit the floss in between the teeth.
Dental Tape
Dental tapes, like a ribbon, are flat and broad. This makes it easy for people with gaps, large spaces between teeth, and braces.
Super flosses
If you have bridges, gaps, and braces, then super flosses work the best for you. These flosses come with three components- a standard floss to get rid of plaque along your gums, a spongy side to clean around your dental devices and attachments, and a stiff end for flossing under them.
When is the right time to floss?
The right routine for flossing is one of the crucial factors surrounding oral health. Several people floss their teeth after brushing. Contrary to popular belief and practice, experts recommend floss and then brush your teeth. Why? The plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth gets released and loosened through flossing. When you brush your teeth, the debris and food particles get removed from your mouth. In most cases, when you floss after you brush, the particles remain in your mouth until you brush your teeth the next time. It is recommended by A Dental care to floss once a day and brush twice a day.
Pros & Cons of Flossing
Flossing eliminates plaque, food particles, and bacteria between and around teeth. The sticky plaque stuck around your teeth can be wiped off through floss. This avoids tooth decay, cavities, and tartar and promotes oral hygiene
The convenience of the utility of floss is its key benefit. Flossing can help you clean or rather; deep clean each and every tooth from every angle without any effort.
Although you will have to pick your type of floss, it can be useful for people with sensitive gums and teeth. Water flossing can help you target your mouth’s deep bacterial areas without the scare of damaging your teeth.
- Flossing can sometimes make your gums bleed. However, this is only the case if you don’t floss your teeth gently.
- It can get a bit time consuming for you to floss certain areas of your mouth.
All in all, flossing daily can help you maintain good oral hygiene and health. This would keep your gums and other parts of your mouth away from infections and diseases. A routine visit to a dentist in Houston is always recommended, along with flossing and brushing.