How Does Having Straight Teeth Help Your Oral Hygiene?

Dr. Firoz Lalani

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Firoz Lalani

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A lot of people think that getting straight teeth is just for the aesthetic. While this may be a popular notion, straight teeth do much more than adding a little charm to your appearance. Braces are a standard tool to help fix uneven smiles. They can even help you get healthier.

teeth whitening

Let us look at some ways how getting straight teeth can help you achieve your health goals.

Straight teeth are easier to clean

When your teeth are crooked or overlapping, it is hard to brush and floss them properly. This means that you run the risk of dental problems and tooth decay. It is more challenging at all ages to maintain a decent oral hygiene with crooked teeth. If you can’t clean the surfaces of your teeth properly or floss them, it may lead to periodontal or gum disease and cavities. Decayed teeth usually need to be replaced after extraction, which means costly dental work. Sometimes even getting a teeth cleaning can get tedious and repetitive when you have crooked teeth. Braces are a proactive way to get correctly aligned teeth and to make sure that you have the best chances for a fresh, clean mouth and an excellent oral health.

Oral health issues can lead to overall health problems

When there is an accumulation of bacteria in your mouth, it may lead to redundant plaque buildup along your gums. This plaque accumulation can cause gingivitis, which is an early stage of periodontitis, a very serious gum disease. Bacteria besides your gums can cause inflammation and lead the way to several systemic diseases such as a weakened immune system and diabetes.

Other conditions linked to low oral health are:

  • Endocarditis
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Brittle, weak bones, and Osteoporosis
  • Alzheimer’s disease

Fostering a good oral health routine and investing in straight teeth is essential for your overall well-being and health. It not only leads you to a healthy, beautiful, and straight smile but also provides you with additional health benefits.

Conclusion: You’re never too old to straighten your teeth

If you believe the myth that braces are only for teenagers, think again. Orthodontics has gotten overly advanced in the last few decades and has allowed basically anyone to get straight and correctly aligned teeth without any hassle or worry about metal braces. One alternative to getting traditional metal braces is the Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign clear aligners are completely invisible. They are also very effective in straightening your teeth. With a series of custom-made plastic trays, they can fit snugly in your mouth and make your teeth gradually shift and get into a straighter position. You can take the Invisalign clear aligners out when you need to brush your teeth or eat. These features make them extremely convenient for both teens and adults.

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You can also consider getting ceramic and clear braces. Unlike traditional metal brackets, ceramic braces are completely clear. Hence, they are considerably less noticeable than conventional, silver-tone metal braces. You can also consider getting tooth-colored wires instead of metal that can camouflage with your teeth to give you the least prominent appearance. Regardless of the orthodontic option, you select, the goal remains the same: to get straighter teeth that offer less of a challenge in keeping them clean and to improve your oral health and overall wellness.

If you’ve been postponing recommended orthodontic treatment just because of how they might look, think again. You need to consider how braces might affect your oral and overall health. If getting healthier this year is one of your goals, getting straight teeth might be an excellent place to start.

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