Braces or Invisalign: Which Is A Better Choice for You

Dr. Firoz Lalani

Medically Reviewed By Dr. Firoz Lalani

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There are a plethora of choices when it comes to finding the perfect orthodontic corrective appliance to reveal a healthy and beautiful smile. Braces and Invisalign are among the more popular solutions but there are important differences between the two that will help you identify which is the most fitting choice to suit your specific needs.

  • Traditional braces consist of a small bracket that is glued to the front of each tooth and the molars are adjusted with a band that encircles the tooth. They are permanent for the time that one is required to wear them (the average time is about two years) and are extremely effective for correcting more severe issues. Braces can be clear (ceramic) braces which means the material can made to be either transparent or to match the color of the your teeth, camouflaging them. Traditional braces are used to correct issues like crossbites, malocclusions, very crooked teeth, and various other flaws of teeth and the jaw. These corrective appliances can make it difficult to eat sticky or crunchy food. Taking extra care to brush brackets and wires regularly while brushing teeth and using a water pick may be helpful. Brushing after every meal is ideal for oral health when wearing braces. Follow up visits are needed on a six to eight week basis for tightening of the braces, each time they are pushed closer to where they need to be.
  • Invisalign is a progressive, clear aligner, which is used to gradually move teeth into their final positions. This method of treatment is ideal for those who do not need to rotate canines, premolars or move teeth vertically. Unlike traditional braces, this orthodontic appliance is discreet and removable. Depending on one’s needs it can be worn from 6 to 18 months but still varies person to person. Invisalign works by tilting or rotating the teeth (including the roots).  Teeth are moved closer to the right position without the need for wires or tightening by having the aligners replaced by your dentist every two weeks. It is easier to eat all the foods one enjoys because there is no wiring for food to get caught in. Although it is much easier to eat, extra oral care is still needed as well as using a cleaning system and rinsing trays in luke warm water. One must maintain brushing after every meal and flossing twice a day.

Braces and Invisalign are fantastic ways to achieve a beautiful smile that can light up a room. Knowing the significant differences between each option can help when aiming to understand which option can supply one’s desired results. Both aligners have pros and cons as well as proven efficacy, it is just a matter of having your dentist find the right solution for your specific needs. Please come into any of our offices at A Dental Care for a free consultation.

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