Best Dental Care for Seniors

As we grow old, there are many changes in our body as well as our lifestyle. Hence, it becomes all the more important to take care of our overall health and especially our teeth. Regular dental care and the best dental services during your golden years are as essential as during childhood. The process of aging makes the mouth more prone to becoming dry and the risk of chronic health problems as well as diseases of the gums increases with age.

One of the common problems during old age is recession of the gums as well as dryness in the mouth. Both these problems make susceptibility to the formation of cavities and gum disease as the mouth starts producing a lesser amount of saliva for washing away the bacteria which are present.

It becomes important to practice regular and good hygiene for saving the teeth from further damage. It is recommended to fix an appointment with your dentist at a dental care Houston at least two times a year for getting a regular dental check-up done and in case required, proper treatment can be given.

In case a dentist advises a low sugar diet, you can choose a sugar-free gum after every meal if you are not able to brush your teeth. Always ensure that any implants, dentures, bridges, or crowns are in a suitable condition, and in case there are any concerns, you can take a piece of advice from the best dental implant dentist in Houston.

Below are some of the common dental problems faced by senior citizens as they advance in age.

Dry Mouth

Dry Mouth

According to experts at Houston dental clinic, the flow of saliva tends to become less with age making the mouth very dry. Some of the reasons for this could be the treatment of cancer which uses radiation around the area of the head and neck or some other diseases. There may also be some side effects of many medicines that may make the mouth dry.

Darkening of Teeth

The teeth can get darkened due to certain changes in dentin which is the bone-like tissue below the tooth enamel. Regular intake of beverages and food throughout the life that cause stains to the teeth. Darkening of a tooth or teeth can indicate a more severe problem and the Houston dentist must be immediately consulted.

Decay of Root

There is no enamel for protecting the roots of the teeth and therefore, they are more likely to get decayed than the crown. When the root of the tooth gets exposed to acids that cause decay, it starts decaying at a very quick rate and one should consult the best dentist in Houston TX at the earliest.

Loss of Teeth

With the advancement in age, one is prone to a lot of gum diseases that can cause loss of teeth.

gum disease

Gum Disease

The major cause of gum disease is plaque. This situation can be worsened by many causes such as using tobacco products, dentures, and bridges that do not fit properly, teeth that are not cleaned or rinsed properly and have food particles left on them, unhealthy diet, diabetes, cancer, and anemia.

Stomatitis by Dentures

Stomatitis can be caused by a lack of good dental hygiene, dentures that do not fit properly, or the accumulation of Candida Albicans which is a kind of fungus. Stomatitis causes inflammation of the tissue which is below the denture.


Candida Albicans fungus also is caused by certain drugs or diseases which may have an effect on the immune system.

Uneven Jaw Bones

When the area of the mouth which is affected by tooth loss is not replaced by dentures or any other procedure, the rest of the teeth in the mouth begin to drift and occupy the spaces which are missing. This is one of the reasons for uneven jawbones.

Tips for better oral hygiene for seniors

Old age itself is not the only factor affecting oral health. There are other medical conditions like arthritis in the fingers and hands which can make brushing teeth or flossing them a tedious task and sometimes even impossible to do. Consumption of certain drugs may also have an effect on oral health making it necessary to have certain changes in the dental treatment.

Below are some tips to take care of oral health for elders.

  • Brushing and flossing the original teeth every day is very important for maintaining good dental health
  • It is advisable to use a toothpaste that contains fluoride for brushing
  • The mouth should be rinsed after every meal with a mouth wash containing antiseptic
  • Regular cleaning of the teeth and a thorough dental check-up should be done by a dentist near Houston.

Apart from this, it is a must to visit your dentist for best dental care at the earliest in case you notice any symptoms such as loose or sensitive teeth, any changes in the mouth which are recent, difficulty in tasting, chewing, and swallowing anything, any kind of sores, pain or bleeding, bumps or swelling in the mouth.

Welcome to A Dental Care where we help you to smile with confidence. Our Dental Team of dental experts with some of the best Houston dentists in Texas provide 360 degree dental care for all your oral health issues. Our five family practices are one-stop-shop locations because we provide comprehensive dental care at each of them, from wisdom teeth removal to dental implants to Invisalign® braces.
Dr. Firoz Lalani
Medically Reviewed By Dr. Firoz Lalani
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